USA : It's all in all !

 USA : It's all in all !

A Google Translate-assisted translation of my text, « USA : Tout est dans tout »

Societas Criticus, revue de critique sociale et politique, Vol. 26-04, Éditos :

Michel Handfield, M.Sc. Sociology, 2024-11-11 (according to my Facebook of 2024-11-06)

An impression. On November 5, Americans voted mainly against illegal immigration and the return of illegal immigrants to their countries of origin, because Trump's nationalist speech responded to this demand for « America for Americans ,» even if I would rather say, « the United States for United-Statians ». This is because I claim belonging to America for all the inhabitants of America. I would even be in favour of a parliament of America like the European parliament. But we are still far from that.

Coming back to Donald Trump's « deportationist » policy, there will be millions of people to replace in the US economy. They will therefore have to increase their domestic workforce quickly; hence :

1. The need to increase births, which probably explains the need to tighten abortion laws;

2. The need to extend the working age, for example, from 14 to 75, and to devalue higher education and intellectuals. Conversely, some intellectuals have not served themselves well by belittling uneducated workers, as the lack of education is often rooted in socioeconomic and cultural disparities rather than a lack of aptitude.

3. Forced labour of prisoners. Hence, ever higher minimum sentences, such as those used in the name of security. But, make no mistake, this will also have positive effects on domestic productivity and the economy.

I say the same thing, but… it’s all in all !

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