Normative Sex or Gender, Lessons to be Learned from This Story About Algerian Boxer Imane Khelif…


Normative Sex or Gender, Lessons to be Learned from This Story About Algerian Boxer Imane Khelif…

Societas Criticus, revue de critique sociale et politique, Vol. 26-03, Éditos :

Michel Handfield, M.Sc. Sociologie (2024-08-08). From the French version (2024-08-06) translated with Google Translate. (1)

Normative sex (male/female) and gender identity are sometimes complex concepts. So, I find it interesting to see people further to the right of the political spectrum now say, as Joseph Facal does, that :

« If Khelif is a case of hyperandrogenism, which gives him feminine AND masculine characteristics, I believe that only an athlete with exclusively feminine biological characteristics should be able to compete against women.

Otherwise, it is unfair, unjust, and, since it is a combat sport, downright dangerous
. » (2)

Let's remember that not so long ago, these people were telling us that a man is a man and a woman is a woman and that gender identity was just a delusion ! (3) There, they seem to see that sex or gender goes further and that it is not always defined by having a penis or a vagina…

So, if conservatives say that this boxer should not be in the category of women, they must recognize that sex cannot be defined by the sole presence of a sexual organ! But will they do it, those who oppose those who say that? Could they at least take a first step and recognize that gender and sex can sometimes be different? That would always be something.

In addition, beyond questions of genetics, there are also psychological phenomena (like feelings) and fashion sometimes, because this question being rather new, some parents now choose to raise their children as non-binary so as not to influence their future choices. But, in order not to force this choice, deliberately ignoring their biological sex or pretending that it does not exist, through mimicry or fear of seeing their children take a path that is not theirs, do they not also deprive them of discovering, assuming and building their identity? Because who says that they will not know it much earlier than we think, identity being partly acquired, but also partly written in our genes. In short, whether we assign them sex or not will certainly have effects on them whether we like it or not.

In reality, if we have to accomplish something, it is to accompany them in the discovery of their identity. With time, we will certainly learn to live with these gender issues without making a big deal out of it, as is currently the case given the novelty of this subject.

On the other hand, we must also understand that it is a difficult concept to assimilate for many people and that there will always be involuntary clumsiness. But this is always the case with new ideas and this takes place over time. Tolerance is therefore required on both sides of the spectrum of sex and gender identity, but we will arrive at a new point of balance. Thesis-antithesis-synthesis, as Marx said.

In any case, the case of Imane Khelif is fascinating. It is an excellent example of the fact that it is possible to have a masculine body for women, and, conversely, a feminine body for men. This shows that gender theory is not fictional or a « woke » invention, but very real. Perhaps a minority, even if it has been talked about a lot recently, but still true.

If Khelif identifies as a woman, she is a woman. But if he identified as a man, he would be a man ! This is to say that sex and gender are two facets of identity that can be identical or not, just as apparent sex can be different from genetic sex. (4) On the other hand, this certainly raises questions for certain sports.

Could there be new categorizations rather than always returning to the binary of man/woman, for example? Are mixed sports practices, based on new class criteria, possible? Would this create new distortions or discriminations? The question would certainly deserve to be open so that new solutions can be found as soon as possible. But it will not be easy. These questions are not only biological or genetic, but also cultural. Good luck to those who will try to resolve these questions.

As for the case of this boxer, Imane Khelif, it is not new. So why is it coming out today, but has never come out before? Because this is not her first presence in women's boxing: « Her 33rd place at the 2019 World Championships did not spark any controversy » Alexandre Pratt tells us in La Presse on August 5, 2024. (5) So, who is behind this whole story? That is the question. Pratt gives us a clue :

« The controversy began at the 2023 World Championships, after Khelif won against a Russian boxer who had previously been undefeated in her career. The federation responsible for the tournament, the IBA, led by a Russian and sponsored by the Russian firm Gazprom, disqualified her, as well as Yu-Ting, on the basis of failed gender tests. The defeated boxer, Azalia Amineva, could thus keep her immaculate record. » (6)

I therefore advise you to read this text by Pratt for what concerns the sporting aspect. But this story still tells us two things. First, we must consider gender issues without ignoring biological sex, because everything is part of our identity. Then, we must accompany children in this without forcing them to be what they are not, because it is often our values ​​that we project onto them by saying that our child is non-binary, a real man or a real woman. But would they say it if we did not define them first? That is the question.


1. In French « Sexe normatif ou genre, les leçons à tirerde cette histoire autour de la boxeuse Algérienne Imane Khelif… »

2. This passage in French (original) :

« Si Khelif est un cas d’hyperandrogénie, qui lui donne des caractéristiques féminines ET masculines, j’estime que seule une athlète avec des caractéristiques biologiques exclusivement féminines devrait pouvoir compétitionner contre des femmes.

Sinon, c’est inéquitable, déloyal, et, comme c’est un sport de combat, carrément dangereux. » Joseph Facal, J'ai assisté au combat de Khelif et c'était injuste et dangereux, Le Journal de Montréal, samedi, 3 août 2024 :

3. In French (original), this passage, from me, inspired by the title of this text Joseph Facal, Identité de genre : le délire est rendu à l’ONU, Le Journal de Montréal, lundi, 8 janvier 2024 :  :

Rappelons qu’il n’y a pas si longtemps encore, ces gens nous disaient qu’un homme est un homme et une femme, une femme et que l’identité de genre n’était qu’un délire !

4. or

5. This passage in French (original) :

« Sa 33e place aux Championnats du monde de 2019 n’a[vait] suscité aucune controverse ». Alexandre Pratt, Imane Khelif contre les uppercuts virtuels, La Presse, 5 août 2024 :

6. This passage in French (original) :

« La controverse a commencé aux Championnats du monde de 2023, après une victoire de Khelif contre une boxeuse russe jusque-là invaincue en carrière. La fédération responsable du tournoi, l’IBA, dirigée par un Russe et commanditée par la firme russe Gazprom, l’a disqualifiée, ainsi que Yu-Ting, sur la foi de tests de genre échoués. La boxeuse vaincue, Azalia Amineva, pouvait ainsi conserver sa fiche immaculée. » Alexandre Pratt, Ibid.

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